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What is a Guardian ad Litem?

As an attorney, Mrs. Darley is qualified to represent the interest of children in Court as a Guardian Ad Litem. Guardian Ad Litems are usually appointed by a Judge in cases which involve contested issues relating to children. The purpose of the Guardian Ad Litem is to investigate each party’s claims and report to the Court what the Guardian Ad Litem believes is in the best interest of the children. Although the Court is not required to adopt the Guardian Ad Litem’s recommendation, it can be a very useful tool for the Court to use in deciding the extremely important issues surrounding the children.

Once appointed by the Court, the Guardian Ad Litem will speak with the parents/guardians of the children and gain an understanding of what each parent/guardian thinks is best for the children. The Guardian Ad Litem will also speak with the children, teachers, physicians, and any other relevant person to investigate the claims. The Guardian Ad Litem may also review records, such as school and medical reports. Once the Guardian Ad Litem has completed the investigation, the Guardian Ad Litem will submit a Report to the Court and the parties advising of the findings and recommendation based upon what the Guardian Ad Litem believes to be the best interest of the children. The best interest of the children is determined after assessing the statutory factors that the Court must also consider in making its decision.

A Guardian Ad Litem can play a very important role in any case relating to children. The Guardian Ad Litem is able to spend more time with witnesses and review more information that the Court typically is able to at hearings and trials. Having a Guardian Ad Litem to represent your children’s best interests can be invaluable.

If your children need a Guardian Ad Litem, please contact Jennifer L. Darley, P.A. to discuss this important issue with Mrs. Darley.